A timeseries database (TSDB) is optimized to store, aggregate and analyze large amounts of continuously generated time-stamped data from sources such as IoT devices or sensors. They are used in applications that require monitoring performance changes over time or tracking sequences of events. ## Timeseries Database Advantages - Generally provide built-in functions for analyzing timeseries data and lifecycle management - More efficiently compresses and stores timeseries data vs general purpose databases ## Timeseries Database Disadvantages - Not optimal for analyzing relationships between datasets - Requires more storage because all timeseries data is indexed - Require a greater amount of code and complexity vs general purpose databases ## Timeseries Database Use Cases - Stock market data - Trading platform - Stock exchange - Real-time ad bidding ## Popular Timeseries Databases - InfluxDB - Kdb+ - Prometheus - Graphite - TimescaleDB %% wiki footer: Please don't edit anything below this line %% ## This note in GitHub <span class="git-footer">[Edit In GitHub](https://github.dev/data-engineering-community/data-engineering-wiki/blob/main/Concepts/Timeseries%20Database.md "git-hub-edit-note") | [Copy this note](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/data-engineering-community/data-engineering-wiki/main/Concepts/Timeseries%20Database.md "git-hub-copy-note")</span> <span class="git-footer">Was this page helpful? [👍](https://tally.so/r/mOaxjk?rating=Yes&url=https://dataengineering.wiki/Concepts/Timeseries%20Database) or [👎](https://tally.so/r/mOaxjk?rating=No&url=https://dataengineering.wiki/Concepts/Timeseries%20Database)</span>