Vertical scaling is when you increase the capacity of a system by increasing the compute size. ```mermaid %%{init: { "flowchart": { "useMaxWidth": true } } }%% flowchart LR subgraph Before A[(Computer 1)] end subgraph After B[(Computer 1 \n\n\n\n\n)] end Before --> After ``` ## Vertical Scaling Advantages - Very simple and straight forward - No code or design changes needed ## Vertical Scaling Disadvantages - Becomes more expensive (compared to [[Horizontal Scaling|horizontal scaling]]) as more specialized hardware is needed to achieve higher levels of performance - Increased risk of a single point of failure %% wiki footer: Please don't edit anything below this line %% ## This note in GitHub <span class="git-footer">[Edit In GitHub]( "git-hub-edit-note") | [Copy this note]( "git-hub-copy-note")</span> <span class="git-footer">Was this page helpful? [šŸ‘]( or [šŸ‘Ž](</span>